Terms & Conditions

These Terms and Conditions regulate access to and use of the website with the domain name www.balaiagolfvillage.com, including all subpages (together ‘Website’), which is managed and operated by the company Clube Albufeira Gestão imobiliária e Turística, Lda., with registered office at Estrada das Ferreiras - Alpouvar 8200-394 Albufeira, Algarve, manager of the hotel ‘Clube Albufeira Garden Village’ (the ‘Clube Albufeira’). Any legal issues relating to the Website may be consulted in the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy sections, which form an integral part of these Terms and Conditions.


General Provisions:

The use of this Website by any user shall be governed by the following Terms and Conditions, the use of which implies acceptance by the user. If the user rejects these Terms and Conditions, they must cease using the Website.

Changes to these Terms and Conditions or even, ultimately, the removal/extinction of this Website may be made at any time and take immediate effect without the need for prior notice to users, with the exception of the Privacy Policy (and Processing of Personal Data). Users are advised to regularly check the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy sections for the most up-to-date versions.

The introduction, alteration or suppression of information made available on the site, made by the user and without the due consent of Clube Albufeira Garden Village, as well as, namely, interference in the computer system that supports it in such a way as to disrupt its operation and, in general, all behaviours that constitute the practice of computer-related crimes are prohibited and punishable under the terms of the law, so Clube Albufeira Garden Village will endeavour to ensure that the offender is civilly and/or criminally punished, under the terms of the law.

Clube Albufeira Garden Village reserves the right to prevent, restrict or alter the conditions of access by any user.

All the contents and functionalities contained in the Website portal are made available as they are (‘as is’), and the information contained therein does not constitute advice or a recommendation, nor does it establish any contractual relationship of liability. Clube Albufeira Garden Village cannot be held responsible for the complete accuracy and up-to-dateness of any information contained on the Website, except in the circumstances provided for by law. Clube Albufeira Garden Village is not responsible, nor may it be held responsible, in any way, for inaccuracies and errors, damages (if any) caused by or resulting from the use of information derived from or through the Website by users. Each user is solely and exclusively responsible for evaluating the information and content obtained through the Website.

Without prejudice to the provisions of any Privacy Policy, other type of document or mere note expressly made available for this purpose on this portal, any data, comments, suggestions, information or content transmitted by the user or sent to the website, by email, form or by any other means, will be considered for private use and for the exclusive use of Clube Albufeira Garden Village or the entity designated by it.

This website contains links to sites operated by third parties, so Clube Albufeira Garden Village is not responsible for the quality, veracity or updating of the information reproduced on the websites to which the hypertext links, also known as ‘hyperlinks’ or ‘links’ on this portal refer, as it does not exercise any control over them.

The user is responsible for the safekeeping and correct use of their personal information, as well as being liable for any damage or loss caused to Clube Albufeira Garden Village, or to third parties, resulting from the incorrect use, loss or theft of personal information.

In the case of registration on the Website portal, the user is responsible for the safekeeping and correct use of their access credentials, guaranteeing their appropriate privacy and confidentiality.

The user is entirely and exclusively responsible for any actions carried out through their user account, either directly or through third parties authorized by the user.

Clube Albufeira Garden Village is continually updating and verifying the information and/or tools provided on this website. However, the user will not be able to hold Clube Albufeira Garden Village responsible if the content presented on this website occasionally shows any technical error or anomaly.


Personal Data:

The disclosure of personal data on this website is optional and is intended to be used for the Clube Albufeira Garden Village newsletter reader database or any other purpose expressly indicated. The processing of this data is confidential and is the responsibility of the company Clube Albufeira Gestão imobiliária e Turística, Lda., with registered offices at Estrada das Ferreiras - Alpouvar 8200-394 Albufeira (the ‘Data Protection Officer’). The data subject has, among other things, the right to access and rectify their personal data, and may exercise this right, in person or in writing, at the address of this entity, duly identified on the portal, at any time and free of charge, under the terms of Regulation (EU) no. 679/2016, of 27 April, and Law no. 67/98, of 26 October.

The Privacy Policy (and Processing of Personal Data), which forms part of the Terms and Conditions, serves the purpose of informing users about the processing of their personal data by Clube Albufeira Garden Village, and their respective rights.


Intellectual Property Rights:

All the elements on this Website, including text, images, graphics, files, layout, structure, among others, are protected by the legal provisions on intellectual property and, in particular, by the scope of protection of Copyright. These elements (which include any registered, free, notorious or highly prestigious trade marks, models, signs, insignia, designs, product, establishment and service names, trade names, logos, distinctive trade signs or those relating to the legal systems of industrial property displayed or used on the Website) may not be copied for commercial use or distribution, nor may they be modified or forwarded to other sites. This website may also contain images that are the intellectual property of third parties, who are also subject to the legal provisions applicable to the protection of copyright and intellectual property.

The information and elements contained on this site - namely the domain name, brands, logos, indications, drawings, illustrations, photographs, texts, graphics and other files - are the property of Clube Albufeira Garden Village and are protected by current legislation. Downloading, copying, modifying, transmitting, distributing, reproducing or forwarding them, in whole or in part, for commercial purposes, without prior written authorisation from Clube Albufeira Garden Village, is expressly prohibited and punishable by law.

Any external use and/or disclosure of the information contained on this site, expressly authorised by Clube Albufeira Garden Village, implies express mention of the origin and authorship of that information.

Final Terms and Jurisdiction:

Any legislation made available on this website does not dispense with consulting the "Diário da República", where the legal diploma in question has been duly published.

This portal was created and operates in accordance with Portuguese law. Any disputes arising from it will be governed by Portuguese law, with the Albufeira District Court having jurisdiction for the purpose, to the exclusion of any other.

In accordance with Law no. 144/2015, of 8 September, in the event of a dispute, the competent court for Alternative Dispute Resolution will be the Algarve Consumer Conflict Arbitration Centre (Tribunal Arbitral), with headquarters at Avenida 5 de Outubro, no. 55, R/C Dtº, 8000-075 Faro, and contacts: +351 289 823 135 (telephone); and [email protected] (email).

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